Tuesday 12 February 2013

If I Had To Name Ten Things, That I Love About You ...

I Would Say ... ♥

1, I Love You For Who You Are  ..

2, You Are Always On My Mind .. ♥

3, I Cant Live With Out Hearing Your Voice ..

4, Every Night I Dream Of Us Holding Hands .. ♥

5, YOU R My World ..

6, When I'm Lonely, You Make Me Feel Better ..

7, If I'm Ever Sad You'll Be There To Help Me .. ♥

8, When I M Depressed You Say The Stupidest Things

     And Yet They Make Me Smile ..

9, When I Say I Love You ... I PlainOut Mean It!

10,What's The Need To Explain It?

Every Thing I Have Wrote, Tells You Just Say Yes! ♥ ♥ ♥

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