Tuesday 12 February 2013

People Always Think That The Most Painful
Thing Is Losing The One You Love In Your Life ..

The Truth Is,
The Most Painful Thing Is Losing Your Self
In The Process Of Loving Some One Too Much,
Forgetting That You're Special Too :(



Its easy to…
Deactivate account…
Unfriend someone…
Delete a number…
Ignore a call….
Its impossible to erase
someone from your memories & life
whom you loved some day... ♥

She was the first girl I was nervous to call her mine,
She was the first girl I ever went on a date with alone,
The first girl I truly held hands with so good,
The first girl I would stay on the phone for hours till the dawn,
She was my first true girlfriend and lover, She was my first, second,
and five hundred'th kiss,
She was my first everything And lets face it ,
She's gone......... :'(

If I Had To Name Ten Things, That I Love About You ...

I Would Say ... ♥

1, I Love You For Who You Are  ..

2, You Are Always On My Mind .. ♥

3, I Cant Live With Out Hearing Your Voice ..

4, Every Night I Dream Of Us Holding Hands .. ♥

5, YOU R My World ..

6, When I'm Lonely, You Make Me Feel Better ..

7, If I'm Ever Sad You'll Be There To Help Me .. ♥

8, When I M Depressed You Say The Stupidest Things

     And Yet They Make Me Smile ..

9, When I Say I Love You ... I PlainOut Mean It!

10,What's The Need To Explain It?

Every Thing I Have Wrote, Tells You Just Say Yes! ♥ ♥ ♥

 :♥:: I Love U ::♥:: 

Not Because of what U have but Because of what I Feels...

::♥:: I Care for U ::♥::

Not Because U Need Care but Because I want 2...

::♥:: I am always Here for U ::♥::

Not Because I want U to Be with ME but Because I want to Be with U...

I Still Love U ::♥::My SweetHeart::♥::

We Never Know Why We Like Someone More
Than Others..
Why We Love Someone Without
Any Reason..
Why We Feel Happy Thinking
About Their Presence..
Some Feelings Has No Explanation
or Definition...! ♥

 ♥ Do you know how many

feelings i carry in my heart,
how do i end my day and how
do i start.
Missing you and longing 4 u is
all i can do,
...but i wish as i feel you feel
the same too. ♥
♥ Do you know how many
unspoken words i wanna say,
how can i say i keep on finding
the ways.
Loving you and praying 4 you is
all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too. ♥
♥ Do you know how many
dreams i have in my eyes,
how can i fulfill them i keep on
telling the lies.
Preaching you and caring 4 you
is all i can do,
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too. ♥

♥ Do you know how much pain
is deep in my soul,
how do i bear them and keep
trying to come out of the whole,
Searching you and urging 4 u is
all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too.♥
♥ Do you know how much I LOVE
i wanna tell but unable to do.
Missing u, loving u, preaching u,
searching u , wat else i can do,
I wish as i feel you feel the
same too..... ♥ </3 :-(

Why Do Boys Need A Friend Who
Is A Girl ?
-She Will Never Leave U Alone
When U are Sad…♥
-She Will See To It That U Do Ur
WorksOn Time…♥
-She Will Make Sure U Don’t
Skip MealsTo Play Matches & Do
-She Will Ask U To Leave Ur Bad
Habits Everyday, Every Time…♥
-She Will Fight With U On Small
Matters, Bt Won’t Keep D Anger
For Long…♥
-She Will Make You Money-
-She Will Say: Don’t W0rry, Even
If There’s Lot To Worry Or
Nothing To Worry..♥
-She Will Make You Punctual…♥
-She Will Help You Restrain Ur
-She Will Talk To U 15 Times A
Day To Know What U’re Doing…♥
U Might Feel Bugged At Times,
Bt Truth Is That You Can’t Do
AnythingWithout Her…♥
As Girls Are Special Gift Of GOD
So Realize Their Worth And
Take Care 0f Them… ♥
Dedicated To All Girls and Boys
Who Share The Love And
Friendship… ♥

"I just want to hug you, but your are 480 some miles away, what I wouldn't do for a hug."

 "Hugging is the ideal gift. Great for any occasion, fun to give and receive, shows you care, comes with its own wrapping and, of course, is fully returnable. Hugging is practically perfect. No batteries to wear out, inflation-proof, nonfattening, no monthly payments, theft-proof and nontaxable."


"Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words."

"A hug overcomes all boundaries. It speaks words within the mind that cannot be spoken."

"If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever."

"Hugs are to pull two people closer together, but why is it that you can never see the other person's expression when it happens?"

"Hugging closes the door to hate. Kissing opens the door to love."

"The best gift you can give is a hug; one size fits all and no one ever minds if you return it."

"Sometimes I miss you so much, I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you!"

If you want to hug or kiss her, don't ask her. Just do it. Chances are she wants to do it as well and she's just waiting for you to make the first move. Don't let shyness stop you showing your love for her. If you love her, be confident. Go for it, and show her how much you care. Good luck!