Tuesday 12 February 2013

Why Do Boys Need A Friend Who
Is A Girl ?
-She Will Never Leave U Alone
When U are Sad…♥
-She Will See To It That U Do Ur
WorksOn Time…♥
-She Will Make Sure U Don’t
Skip MealsTo Play Matches & Do
-She Will Ask U To Leave Ur Bad
Habits Everyday, Every Time…♥
-She Will Fight With U On Small
Matters, Bt Won’t Keep D Anger
For Long…♥
-She Will Make You Money-
-She Will Say: Don’t W0rry, Even
If There’s Lot To Worry Or
Nothing To Worry..♥
-She Will Make You Punctual…♥
-She Will Help You Restrain Ur
-She Will Talk To U 15 Times A
Day To Know What U’re Doing…♥
U Might Feel Bugged At Times,
Bt Truth Is That You Can’t Do
AnythingWithout Her…♥
As Girls Are Special Gift Of GOD
So Realize Their Worth And
Take Care 0f Them… ♥
Dedicated To All Girls and Boys
Who Share The Love And
Friendship… ♥

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